
Trips to Mystery

Discovers Europe's most eerie, obscure and haunted locations.

Welcome to the world of the paranormal, where ghostly apparitions and unexplained events are part of everyday life.

Of abandoned mental institutions, ancient castles, monasteries and underground secrets. Along the front lines and military cemeteries of WWI & II, there are countless places in Europe believed to be haunted by souls from beyond the grave.

These places have captured people's imagination for centuries, inspiring tales of horror and mystery that continue to fascinate us to this day.





During these journeys, we will take you to some of the most mysterious and haunted places, explore their terrifying history and reveal the legends behind them.

So prepare for a supernatural experience as we dive into the world of souls and legends.

These stories are often rooted in history and legends passed down from generation to generation.

Some of these stories are about tragic events, while others are about mysterious facts that have never been fully explained.

Whether you are sceptical or believer, the appeal of haunted places is undeniable.

They remind us of our mortality and ignorance and challenge us to overcome our fears.

So whether you are planning a scary adventure or just curious, remember to be careful in the world of haunted houses.

You never know what might be lurking in the shadows.


                                       Try it at least once!

Mysteries of wars

WW I - unexplained mysteries.

Hauts-de-France Mysteries 14/18

Weird stories from the great war

Ghosts of World War II


European Mysteries

The magic of the Baltic States.

Mysterious & Inspiring Europe

Unusual and mysterious Europe

Unseen Greece

Legends and Mysteries around the Bay of Naples


Mysteries of France

Mysterious France


Belgian Mysteries

Urban legends & mysteries


Dutch legends & ghost tours


Unusual Belgium

Unusual & Mysterious Belgium

Mysterious & Inspiring


WW I - unexplained mysteries

War zones where the ghosts of World War I haunt.

Strange Mysteries Of World War One

Belgium - France

WW I - unexplained mysteries. 

Although the front moves, the dead remain behind and a series of disorienting flashbacks projects the horrors of the past onto the present.

Welcome to one of the world's strangest and most fascinating devastated areas.

There is something magical about the battlefields and cemeteries of 14/18.

Inexplicable, untouchable apparitions that cannot be explained by accepted science.

Ypres: Military cemeteries - Observations of cold.

Poperingen: The ghost of Talbot House.

French Flanders and Artois: Paranormal observations.

Somme: The feeling of not being alone. " Where still here "

Oise & Aisne: Strange forces and heavy earth.

Argonne & Verdun: Encounters on battlefields.

Vosges: Physical discomfort.

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Hauts-de-France Mysteries 14/18


Northern France drags with it an extensive and misunderstood legacy of the First World War. Military necropolises, untouched battlefields and sites with relics are silent and poignant witnesses to the violence of war. From Armentières to Arras, a front line full of strange sensations and mysterious encounters.

Breaking The Hindenburg Line: The new defensive position, called the Hindenburg Line by the Allies, actually consisted of several lines with different German names. The section between Arras via Cambrai to Saint-Quentin was called the Siegfried Stellung.

Hindenburg Line. The battlefields of Arras, Bullecout, Bapaume, Péronne, Cambrai and Saint-Quentin

The Somme preserves the scars of the Great War: trenches, shell holes, haunted forests, military cemeteries and ruined villages remind us of these tragic events.  The Ghosts of the Somme is a search for unusual, inexplicable and paranormal occurrences on the battlefields of the First World War.

The memorials of Pozières, Thiepval, Ulster Tower and Beaumont-Hamel.  Nearby, more paranormal sightings have been recorded at Ancre British Cemetery, Sunken lane, Hawthorn ridge crater, Serre road cemetary, Sheffield MP and Knightsbridge Cemetery.

The Most Haunted Parts of the Somme: Delville Wood - Devil's Wood / The Hell -They Called High Wood / Mametz Wood / Trônes Wood

Oise & Aisne - Tunnels of Death: Rendezvous with history and death at the gates of hell.

The extraordinary underworld of the soldiers of the Great War.

Between 1914 and 1918, hell was on the surface of the earth, but death was underground (underground fortifications, regimental quarters) Soldiers faced death daily. Their fate prompted them to create shelters in underground quarries.

Underground remains along Oise and Aisne Front.

La ligne rouge: A trail to discover the scars still visible from the Great War.


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Accompanied by a team of psychics, mediums, spiritualists and ghost hunters.

Discover the creepiest, obscure and haunted locations in Europe. 

Mysterious journeys through unusual countries full of history, legends, paranormal sightings and ghost stories where unexplained events are part of everyday life.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets hidden in the shadows?



Templars: The shadow and secret commanderies of the Knights Templar 

Belgium - France - Luxenburg - Portugal. 

Freemasonry: Secrets, symbols and rituals of Freemasonry.

Belgium - France

The France of mysteries.

Underground mirror castles, secret passages, underground churches or other hidden caves. The land is dotted with haunted castles, graveyards and battlefields of many wars. Legends were born here.



Weird stories from the Baltics: mysterious places in Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Finland - Poland.

The Most Scary Places to Visit in Iceland

This country is extremely creepy and has plenty of locations that will give you goosebumps.

Great Britain

Do you dare visit our darkest, most haunted locations? From poltergeists to headless queens, Britain's oldest houses and monuments are (according to legend) full of souls. Whether you are an avid ghost hunter or an avid sceptic, these haunted castles, darkest graveyards, spooky pubs, and infamous hotels are sure to send a shiver down your spine...

We will take you in search of the ghosts that roam the spectral landscapes of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.


All tours are on request

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Mysterious Paris


Mysterious Paris

Fascinated by strange legends and unusual stories, Dark Travel invites you to discover Paris from a different perspective.

Esotericism, spiritualism, extraordinary legends, the paranormal, mysteries, ghosts and other disturbing or magical stories will delight the most curious among you. We guarantee you will never look at Paris in the same way again!

To reveal the capital's great mysteries and small secrets.

Descent into the Catacombs: a unique and privileged experience: descend into the Catacombs and the ossuary, where your guide may exceptionally take you into rooms closed to the general public to discover deep-seated secrets.

Père Lachaise (the legends of Père Lachaise, the occult Père Lachaise of the spiritualists, the vampirism of Père Lachaise, the Père Lachaise of the Freemasons, the wall of the Federates of the Commune, or a more traditional tour of the history of the site and the tombs of celebrities and unusual graves).

The esoteric Louvre: during this open-air tour of the Louvre's courtyards, the palace gradually reveals its hidden side.

Visiting a masonic temple: you will have the chance to enter the lodges of the masonic temple, normally closed to the public, to understand how it works.

The dark legends of Paris: the tour takes place in the centre of Paris, around Notre-Dame on the Île de la Cité and its quays.

L'Antre-Cave is an informal and highly confidential society that dates back several centuries. Its members are historians, scientists and illusionists.

Multiple Unexpected and fascinating tours in PARIS on request

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La France des Mystères



La France des mystères

Curious stories, inexplicable phenomena... in France, stories persist or are reborn, some imaginary, others based on real facts. Legends, mysteries surrounding haunted castles and paranormal apparitions are the reflection of a region or the mirror of our dreams and fears.

Where are these enchanted places where evil forces seem to operate?

The mysterious civilization of Fontainebleau:
In the forest of Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne), an extinct civilization has left enigmatic engravings in a mysterious cave. They could date back to 6,000 BC.

Mysterious & Unusual Paris + Legends and ghost stories

The ghosts of Blandy castle:
Let's discover the legends and ghost stories that haunt the fortress of Blandy-les-Tours...

Mysterious Provins: from Templars to Freemasons:
The underground passages are undoubtedly the most mysterious places in Provins!

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Mysterious & Inspiring


Mysterious and Unknown Belgium takes us on an inspiring journey to abbey ruins, strange pagan sites and megalithic temples, obscure and terrifying places. Scars of conflict. Medieval cities full of history and mystery.
Experience a journey through unknown Belgium and discover that reality is often more fantastic than the wildest imagination.

Fascinated by strange legends and unusual stories, Dark Travel invites you to discover Belgium from a different angle.
Esotericism, spiritualism, extraordinary legends, the paranormal, mysteries, ghosts and other disturbing or magical stories will charm the most curious among you. 

Experience medieval cities: We guarantee you will never see Brussels, Ghent, Antwerp and Bruges the same way again!

We lift a corner of the veil on Belgium's great mysteries and small secrets.

Mysterious & unusual Bruges: We infiltrate together with the Pope of Satan in the satanic milieu of Bruges-la-Morte.

In Bruges, there is a house called "Den Noodt Gods" better known as "Ghosthouse"

Lucifernum: between Gothic and exoticism and between dream and nightmare.

Ghent city of mysteries.: The adoration of the Lamb of God' Unsolved riddles and mysteries. House of Mystery: Magic & Illusion.

Davinci code Brussels.: Welcome to Brussels, capital of alchemists and freemasons. Welcome to the city, where the stones speak...

Underground Antwerp.

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