Mysteries of wars > WW I - unexplained mysteries.

WW I - unexplained mysteries.

Belgium - France

Ypres: Military cemeteries - Observations of cold.
The fields around Ypres are also one big cemetery, with rows and rows of headstones at every turn, marking the graves of those who were not blown to bits ( still missing ) but merely died of wounds, disease or by drowning in the sea of soaking wet mud. 

Poperingen: The ghost of Talbot House.

Toc H building, which provided care to soldiers during the Battle of Ypres, The ghost of its founder the Rev Neville Talbot is seen in the chapel, A sense of a presence is also experienced by many people,

Death Row: Although British troops nicknamed it 'Good old Pops', Poperinge had a more sinister side - it was an execution site for wartime deserters.

French Flanders & Artois: Paranormal observations. 
Mysterious, haunting, eerie?The battles at Aubers Ridge, Festubert, Neuve Chapelle, Neuville St Vaast and Loos were as fierce as the battle of Fromelles in 1916, and the battlefields between Armentieres and Arras are just as interesting and mysterious to explore today. 

Somme: The feeling of not being alone. " Where still here "
The Somme offensive was one of the biggest and bloodiest battles of the First World War. It is therefore no wonder that ghosts have been sighted on the ghostly Somme battlefield.
The Somme is now a memorial to the horrors of war. But for some, World War I is not over yet.

Oise & Aisne: Strange forces and heavy earth.
Tunnels of death.Rendezvous with history and death at the gates of hell.The extraordinary underworld of the soldiers of the Great War.
Soldiers faced death daily. Their fate led them to create shelters in underground quarries.

Argonne & Verdun: Encounters on battlefields.
The ghosts of Argonne forest continue to haunt me
The ghosts of World War I in Verdun continue to haunt the French psyche. We investigate reports of strange images and sounds still heard on the battlefield.

Vosges: Physical discomfort.
All the destructive power known to man at the time was used here. High explosive shells and other man-made remnants of war litter the ground here along with the remains of many thousands of soldiers on the battlefields.
This trip includes some of the haunting and impressive images of the landscape of the Western Front as it looks today.

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