Belgian Mysteries > Urban legends & mysteries

Mysterious & Inspiring


Belgium is home to quite a few unusual and mysterious places.

But for those looking for a great experience without the crowds, we have compiled a list of hidden and mysterious activities and places.

These trips show us the trail we left behind in history and confront us with time and temporality.

Mysterious & Inspiring locations

A search for secret spiritual places in Belgium.

Magical and spiritual temples

Psychiatry BEFORE and NOW - History of psychiatry.

Symbols and rituals of Freemasonry.

Alchemy is known as 'the art of gold-making'. It is the ability to turn something ordinary, something special, or "from lead, into gold". It is a millennia-old science that was practised all over the world and had many applications, but is now largely forgotten.

The shadow and secret commanderies of the Knights Templar

Historical, legendary, gruesome, religious and mystery sites. 

Unusual experiences WW I & II

A thrilling quest to forgotten, abandoned and doomed places.

The Haunted Kingdom - Haunted houses, haunted places, ghost stories revealed.

For more mysterious Belgium go to UNUSUAL and scroll to UNGEWOON BELGIUM

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