The chronicles of Estonia: history, legends, sagas and ghost stories,
Horror Story of Mustamäe Cemetery, Tallinn: The Mustamäe Cemetery is one of the oldest and most haunted places in the city of Tallinn, Estonia. The cemetery is surrounded by an east-facing wall and is said to be haunted by the ghost of a dead Russian soldier. This ghost is said to stalk the graves at night, searching for his lost love.
Horror Story of Võidu Bridge, Tallinn: The Võidu Bridge in Tallinn, Estonia, has long been shrouded in mystery. Tales of hauntings, supernatural occurrences, and ghostly apparitions have always been whispered about the bridge, but until recently, these stories were just that — stories.
Viru Hotel, Tallinn: For those seeking a unique experience, the historic Viru Hotel in Tallinn, Estonia offers a taste of horror history, a host of rumored paranomial activities and a wealth of stories to tell. A visit to Viru is sure to leave an unforgettable impression!
The Building of St. Olaf's Church
The Horror of the Stable Tower
The Black Baron at Pikk-Jalg 14
The ladies of Toomkooli 13
The Monk in the Short-Leg Gate Tower
Visit Rataskaevu 16, Site of the Devil’s Window
Spot the Drunk Monk at Neitsitorn a.k.a. Virgin’s Tower
“Dine with the Dead” at Cathedral Restaurant
PATAREI PRISON: A Russian-Empire-era former sea fortress overlooking Tallinn Bay that from 1920 was turned into a prison. Especially during the Soviet occupation it became one of the most notorious prisons in all ofEstonia
KGB CELLS TALLINN: Part of the basement of a large building in the Old Town of Tallinn in which the infamous KGB had some of its cells for incarceration and interrogation during the Soviet era.
VIRU KGB MUSEUM, TALLINN : Not so much a museum as such but a guided tour through the somewhat "museum-ized" parts of the Viru Hotel in Tallinn where the KGB used to operate its surveillance technology to listen into guests' conversations and so on
Tallinn – Koeru – 104 km
Koeru church & Graveyard
The tiny village of Koeru in Estonia is shrouded in mystery and haunted by tales of intrigue and horror. Just outside the village lies the remains of an old church, believed to be from the 16th century. But next to the ruins lies tales of paranormal activities and dark secrets, lurking in the shadows of a history remembered in local folklore. Could this old church hauntings be a true story, or just legend? Explore the history, horror stories, and mythological activity of Koeru Church
Koeru – Tartu - 101 km
Ropka Cemetery in Tartu, Estonia, is home to many tales of horrors, histories, and paranormal activities. From tales of ghosts and witches to long-buried skeletons unearthed and ominous stories, get ready to dive into the mysteries of this haunted graveyard.
Tartu – Rannu – Tarvastu – Viljandi - 120 km
Viljandi Castle Ruins: is a fascinating place of mystery and controversy, telling a story of horror and intrigue. Just outside the Estonian city of Viljandi, the castle stands, a complex structure of ruins and secrets. Legends linger of paranormal activities at Viljandi Castle Ruins, making it a popular destination for those seeking a ghostly experience.
Rapla Church: is a mysterious and fascinating location that has been the source of horror stories, historical accounts, and paranomal activities. Over the centuries, the small church in Estonia has been the source of numerous tales, and today we will explore some of the mysteries that lie beneath its ancient walls.
Koluvere castle: Welcome to the eerie world of Koluvere Castle in Koluvere, Estonia- a place of horror stories, history, and paranormal activities. Dating back to the 13th century and filled with legends of hauntings, hear the tale of Koluvere Castle as we uncover its dark past and its many unexplained mysteries.
Haapsalu Castle: the home of the legendary Teutonic Knights, is a building full of horror stories, history, and paranormal activities. Built in the 13th century, its walls have since seen some of Estonia’s most important and scary moments. From ghost sightings to unexplained phenomena, there is always something to explore here.
Horror Story of Vormsi Church, On Vormsi Island the legendary Church of Vormsi stands amongst the endless fields of tall swaying grasses and hidden inlets. It is said that the Church, as old as time itself, is haunted by the spirits of ancient warriors and cloaked figures.
Kassari Lighthouse,
Rummu prison: The ruins of an Estonian prison are drowning in the quarry lake where the convicts were once forced to work.
2025 - DARK TRAVEL Estonia - 15 / 06 - 22 / 06
Per person in double room - €1.650
Detailed itinerary on request.